The closest airports to Auroville are in Pondicherry and Chennai. Chennai has an international as well as a domestic terminal whereas, Pondicherry operates flights from Hyderabad and Bangalore. Auroville is approximately 10 km and 150 km from Pondicherry and Chennai respectively.
A taxi service from Auroville can be booked prior to your arrival to bring you to Auroville. These are cheaper, reliable and drivers are trained to be courteous to guests. You can book a taxi 24 hours a day.
Please find two recommendations below:
Phone: +91 413 2623586 / 2623587 / +91 9047015801
There are regular, almost hourly AC buses from Chennai to Pondicherry from Central Bus Stand, Koyambedu (about 3 hour journey) through East Coast Road (ECR). Tickets cost approximately Rs. 300. From Pondicherry you can travel to Auroville either by auto rickshaw or a pre-booked taxi.
All buses from Bangalore halt at the Pondicherry main bus stand from where you can travel to Auroville either by auto rickshaw or a pre-booked taxi.
Trains from major cities in India arrive at Pondicherry and Chennai railway stations including Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chennai.
Accommodation in Auroville is limited and often booked 6 months in advance. Therefore, in some workshops, for your convenience, we have blocked rooms in selected hotels and guest houses in Auroville. The accommodation is basic and on a sharing basis. In such cases, transportation to take you to workshop venue and drop you back is also organized. In case you opt for a workshop without accommodation, we advise you to book rooms at these hotels directly once you have confirmed your participation.
Please click the following link to view all listed accommodation in Auroville:
Below is a list of some popular guest houses:
Here are a couple of hotels around Auroville for your consideration: